VSTTE 2018
10th Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments
July 18-19, 2018, Oxford, UK
Affiliated with the
30th International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification
(CAV 2018).
Part of the Federated Logic Conference , local information can be found here.
The goal of the VSTTE conference series is to advance the state of the art in the science and technology of software verification, through the interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental validation.
We welcome submissions describing significant advances in the production of verified software, i.e., software that has been proved to meet its functional specifications. Submissions of theoretical, practical, and experimental contributions are equally encouraged, including those that focus on specific problems or problem domains. We are especially interested in submissions describing large-scale verification efforts that involve collaboration, theory unification, tool integration, and formalized domain knowledge. We also welcome papers describing novel experiments and case studies evaluating verification techniques and technologies.
Topics of interest for this conference include education, requirements modeling, specification languages, specification/verification/certification case studies, formal calculi, software design methods, automatic code generation, refinement methodologies, compositional analysis, verification tools (e.g., static analysis, dynamic analysis, model checking, theorem proving, satisfiability), tool integration, benchmarks, challenge problems, and integrated verification environments.
Paper Submissions
We accept both long (limited to 16 pages, references not included) and short (limited to 10 pages, references not included) paper submissions. Short submissions also cover Verification Pearls describing an elegant proof or proof technique. Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Each submission will be evaluated by at least three members of the Program Committee. We expect that one author of every accepted paper will present their work at the conference.
Research paper submissions must be written in English using the LNCS LaTeX format and must include a cogent and self-contained description of the ideas, methods, results, and comparison to existing work.
Papers will be submitted via EasyChair at the VSTTE 2018 conference page. Submissions that arrive late, are not in the proper format, or are too long will not be considered. The post-conference proceedings of VSTTE 2017 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Authors of accepted papers will be requested to sign the copyright transfer form.
Link to the LNCS post-proceedings.
Wednesday, July 18
9:00-10:00 | Invited speaker:
Cesare Tinelli Contract-based Compositional Verification of Infinite-State Reactive Systems Abstract: Model-based software development is a leading methodology for the construction of safety- and mission-critical embedded systems. Formal models of such systems can be validated, via formal verification or testing, against system-level requirements and modified as needed before the actual system is built. In many cases, source code can be even produced automatically from the model once the system designer is satisfied with it. As embedded systems become increasingly large and sophisticated the size and complexity of models grows correspondingly, making the verification of top-level requirements harder, especially in the case of infinite-state systems. We argue that, as with conventional software, contracts are an effective mechanism to establish boundaries between components in a system model, and can be used to aid the verification of system-level properties by using compositional reasoning techniques. Component-level contracts also enable formal analyses that provide more accurate feedback to identify sources of errors or the parts of a system that contribute to the satisfaction of a given requirement. This talk discusses our experience in designing an assume-guarantee-based contract language on top of the Lustre modeling language and leveraging it to extend the Kind 2 model checker with contract-based compositional reasoning techniques. Abstract: Cesare Tinelli received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1999 and is currently a full professor in Computer Science at the University of Iowa. Professor Tinelli has done seminal work in automated reasoning, in particular in Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), a field he helped establish through his research and service activities. His work has appeared in more than 80 refereed publications and has been funded both by governmental agencies (AFOSR, AFRL, DARPA, NASA, NSF, and ONR) and corporations (Intel, General Electric, Rockwell Collins, and United Technologies). He is a founder and coordinator of the SMT-LIB initiative, an international effort aimed at standardizing benchmarks and I/O formats for SMT solvers. He has led the development of the award winning Darwin theorem prover and the Kind 1 and Kind 2 model checkers which has found users in the avionics and automotive industries. He has co-led the development of the widely used and award winning CVC3 and CVC4 SMT solvers. He also co-leads the development of StarExec, a cross community web-based service for the comparative evaluation of logic solvers. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Automated Reasoning and a founder the SMT workshop series and the Midwest Verification Day series. He has served in the program committee of more than 70 automated reasoning and formal methods conferences and workshops, as well as the steering committee of CADE, ETAPS, FTP, FroCoS, IJCAR, and SMT. He was the PC chair of FroCoS'11 and a PC co-chair of TACAS'15. |
Session 1 | Model Checking I |
10:00-10:30 |
Jochen Hoenicke, Alexander Nutz and Andreas Podelski A Tree-Based Approach to Data Flow Proofs |
10:30-11:00 | coffee break |
Session 2 | Model Checking II |
11:00-11:30 |
Arie Gurfinkel, Temesghen Kahsai and Jorge A Navas Executable Counterexamples in Software Model Checking |
11:30-12:00 |
Pritom Rajkhowa and Fangzhen Lin Extending VIAP to Handle Array Programs |
12:00-12:30 |
Karine Even-Mendoza, Sepideh Asadi, Antti Hyvärinen, Hana Chockler and Natasha Sharygina Lattice-Based Refinement in Bounded Model Checking |
12:30-14:00 | lunch break |
14:00-15:00 | Invited speaker:
Stuart Matthews Verified Software: Theories, Tools, ... and Engineering Abstract: Continual innovation of software verification theories & tools is essential in order to meet the challenges of ever-more complex software-intensive systems. But achieving impact ultimately requires an understanding of the engineering context in which the tools will be deployed. Based on our tried-and-trusted methods of high-integrity software development at Altran, I will identify key features of the industrial landscape in which software verification tools have to operate, and some of the pitfalls that can stop them being adopted, including regulation, qualification, scalability, cost justification, and the overall tool ecosystem. Within this context I will present Altran's own on-going research & development activities in verified software technologies. The talk will conclude by drawing some key lessons that can be applied to avoid the traps and pitfalls that tools encounter on their journey to succesful deployment. Bio: Stuart Matthews has over 20 years' experience with high integrity software engineering including the application of formal methods for verification and validation of critical systems. Stuart is currently the head of R&T within the Intelligent Systems Expertise Centre at Altran UK with responsibility for the technology pipeline and a portfolio of on-going research projects. The portfolio includes the SPARK static verification toolset & support services for which Stuart also acts as the product manager at Altran. |
Session 3 | Certification & Formalisation I |
15:00-15:30 |
Milad Ketab Ghale, Dirk Pattinson and Ramana Kumar Verified Certificate Checking for Counting Votes |
15:30-16:00 | coffee break |
Session 4 | Certification & Formalisation II |
16:00-16:30 |
Hugo Férée, Johannes Åman Pohjola, Ramana Kumar, Scott Owens, Magnus O. Myreen and Son Ho Program Verification in the Presence of I/O: Semantics, verified library routines, and verified applications |
16:30-17:00 |
Brandon Bohrer and Karl Crary TWAM: A Certifying Abstract Machine for Logic Programs |
17:00-17:30 |
Patryk Czarnik, Jacek Chrząszcz and Aleksy Schubert A Java bytecode formalisation |
17:30-18:00 |
Paolo Torrini, David Nowak, Narjes Jomaa and Mohamed Sami Cherif Formalising Executable Specifications of Low-Level Systems |
19:15-21:30 | Workshop dinner at Magdalen College |
Thursday, July 19
9:00-10:00 | Invited speaker:
Rayna Dimitrova Synthesis of Surveillance Strategies for Mobile Sensors Abstract: The increasing application of formal methods to the design of autonomous systems often requires extending the existing specification and modeling formalisms, and addressing new challenges for formal verification and synthesis. In this talk, I will focus on the application of reactive synthesis to the problem of automatically deriving strategies for autonomous mobile sensors conducting surveillance, that is, maintaining knowledge of the location of a moving, possibly adversarial target. By extending linear temporal logic with atomic surveillance predicates, complex temporal surveillance objectives can be formally specified in a way that allows for seamless combination with other task specifications. I will discuss two key challenges for applying state-of-the-art methods for reactive synthesis to temporal surveillance specifications. First, naively keeping track of the knowledge of the surveillance agent leads to a state-space explosion. Second, while sensor networks with a large number of dynamic sensors can achieve better coverage, synthesizing coordinated surveillance strategies is challenging computationally. I will outline how abstraction, refinement, and compositional synthesis techniques can be used to address these challenges. Bio: Rayna Dimitrova is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Leicester, UK. Prior to that, she held postdoctoral positions at the University of Texas at Austin, and at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany. She completed her PhD at Saarland University in Germany. Rayna's research is focused on the specification, verification, and synthesis of reactive systems. She primarily investigates quantitative versions of these questions, centered around the aspect of uncertainty in system and environment models. She is particularly interested in applications of formal methods to autonomous systems, where her work addresses the limitations faced by autonomous control due to imperfect sensing and stochastic disturbances. |
Session 5 | Certification & Formalisation III |
10:00-10:30 |
Alessandro Coglio A Formalization of the ABNF Notation and a Verified Parser of ABNF Grammars |
10:30-11:00 | coffee break |
Session 6 | Security |
11:00-11:30 |
Robin Adams and Sibylle Schupp Constructing Independently Verifiable Privacy-Compliant Type Systems for Message Passing between Black-Box Components |
11:30-12:00 |
Konstantinos Athanasiou, Byron Cook, Michael Emmi, Colm MacCarthaigh, Daniel Schwartz-Narbonne and Serdar Tasiran SideTrail: Verifying Time-Balancing of Cryptosystems |
12:00-12:30 |
Jakub Zakrzewski Towards verification of Ethereum smart contracts: a formalization of core of Solidity |
12:30-14:00 | lunch break |
Session 7 | New Applications |
14:00-14:30 |
Bernhard Beckert, Timo Bingmann, Moritz Kiefer, Peter Sanders, Mattias Ulbrich and Alexander Weigl Relational Equivalence Proofs Between Imperative and MapReduce Algorithms |
14:30-15:00 |
David Cok and Serdar Tasiran Practical Methods for Reasoning about Java 8's Functional Programming Features |
15:00-15:30 |
Chih-Hong Cheng, Georg Nührenberg, Chung-Hao Huang and Harald Ruess Verification of Binarized Neural Networks via Inter-Neuron Factoring |
15:30-16:00 | coffee break |
Session 8 | Off the beaten track |
16:00-16:30 |
Daniel Dietsch, Matthias Heizmann, Jochen Hoenicke, Alexander Nutz and Andreas Podelski The Map Equality Domain |
16:30-17:00 |
Naoki Nishida and Sarah Winkler Loop Detection by Logically Constrained Term Rewriting |
17:00-17:30 |
Jonas Oberhauser Store Buffer Reduction in The Presence of Mixed-Size Accesses and Misalignment |
Important Dates
- Abstract submission: April 15, 2018 EXTENDED to April 26th, 2018 AoE
- Full paper submission: April 22, 2018 EXTENDED to April 29th, 2018 AoE
- Notification: May 15, 2018
- VSTTE: Jul 18-19, 2018
Program Chairs
- Ruzica Piskac (Yale University, USA)
- Philipp Rümmer (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Program Committee
- June Andronick (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Martin Brain (University of Oxford, UK)
- Michael Butler (University of Southampton, UK)
- Supratik Chakraborty (IIT Bombay, India)
- Roderick Chapman (Protean Code Ltd and University of York, UK)
- Cristina David (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Dino Distefano (Facebook and Queen Mary University of London, UK)
- Mike Dodds (Galois Inc, USA)
- Patrice Godefroid (Microsoft Research, USA)
- Arie Gurfinkel (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Liana Hadarean (Synopsys, USA)
- Swen Jacobs (Saarland University, Germany)
- Bart Jacobs (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Cezary Kaliszyk (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
- Andy M. King (University of Kent, UK)
- Tim King (Google, USA)
- Vladimir Klebanov (SAP, Germany)
- Akash Lal (Microsoft Research, India)
- Nuno P. Lopes (Microsoft Research, UK)
- Alexander Malkis (TU Munich, Germany)
- Yannick Moy (AdaCore, France)
- Gennaro Parlato (University of Southampton, UK)
- Andrei Paskevich (Université Paris-Sud, France)
- Markus Rabe (UC Berkeley, USA)
- Peter Schrammel (University of Sussex, UK)
- Natarajan Shankar (SRI International, USA)
- Tachio Terauchi (Waseda University, Japan)
- Mattias Ulbrich (KIT Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Philipp Wendler (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)
- Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)
- Greta Yorsh (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
- Aleksandar Zeljić (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Damien Zufferey (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Previous Editions
- VSTTE 2005 (Zürich, Switzerland)
- VSTTE 2008 (Toronto, Canada)
- VSTTE 2010 (Edinburgh, Scotland)
- VSTTE 2012 (Philadelphia, USA, co-located with POPL 2012)
- VSTTE 2013 (Atherton, USA)
- VSTTE 2014 (Vienna, Austria, co-located with CAV 2014 as part of VSL 2014)
- VSTTE 2015 (San Francisco, USA, co-located with CAV 2015)
- VSTTE 2016 (Toronto, Canada, co-located with CAV 2016)
- VSTTE 2017 (Heidelberg, Germany, co-located with CAV 2017)